Enjoy Your Freshly Cleaned Home Apartment Condo Townhome Life

Professional cleanings at a competitive price.



Living Areas

Sleeping Areas

Cleaning Services for Residential Properties

Keeping Your Home Cleaner With Our Detail-Clean Rotation System

We use a careful system to deep clean each of your rooms on a rotating basis. This ensures your home is always thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, from the areas you use daily to that hard-to-clean grout!

Professional Cleaning Services We Offer

House Cleaning & Sanitizing

Our unique Detail-Clean Rotation System ensures that your home is cleaned to the highest standard.

Apartment Cleaning & Sanitizing

Our thorough apartment cleaning services never miss the little details in your space!

Move In / Move Out Cleaning

Moving can be messy but our cleaning professionals ensure a spotless clean.

One-Time Cleaning Services

We proudly offer customizable one-time cleaning programs to suit your needs.We proudly offer customizable one-time cleaning programs to suit your needs.

Get the Deep Clean Your Home Needs with The Cleaning Authority

At The Cleaning Authority, we provide detailed house cleaning and sanitizing services for our valued clients across the United States and Canada. You can depend on us for thorough maid services so that you can enjoy a clean home without the hassle of cleaning yourself.

At The Cleaning Authority, We Prioritize the Following:

  • Our Customers The individuals we serve are our priority. Our cleaning services are affordable,
    and our cleaning experts are highly trained.
  • The Environment We protect the environment by utilizing only cleaning products that are
    environmentally responsible or sustainable.

Save Time. Save Money. Save Yourself. Call The Cleaning Authority today at
(888) 658-0659 or
fill out our online form for a free price estimate!